There are many reasons customers of S J Supplies ask, “Why have my electrics gone off?” It’s not a one size fits all question and so we’re here to provide you with some of the possibilities and what to do as a result. 

Why have my electrics gone off? - Electrical Fault in Socket - SJ Supplies, Bexley

Why have my electrics gone off? - SJ Supplies, Bexley

From a tripped circuit in your consumer unit, to an overloaded circuit from too many appliances being plugged in and a faulty appliance causing a short circuit to a loose wire or even a power cut affecting the whole of Bexley these are all perfectly feasible reasons. 

Things to check when your electrics have gone off

When asked “Why have my electrics gone off?” S J Supplies will firstly check with you these key points in order to ascertain where the fault may lie: -

  • Is your consumer unit showing any tripped breakers?
  • Were you using a high-power appliance when the power went off?
  • Do your neighbours in Bexley still have power?
  • Is there any visible loose or damaged wiring in your home?
  • Have you operated a malfunctioning appliance? 

What to do when your electrics have gone off 

In the event of your Bexley homes electrics going off the tripped breaker in your consumer unit will firstly need to be identified. If resetting the breaker doesn’t seem to work then we’d suggest the unplugging of any appliances that are on that circuit one by one in order to identify if one may be at fault. We would also suggest checking the visible wiring for anything that may be loose or damaged. If you don’t feel confident in doing this or cannot identify the cause we would suggest calling S J Supplies as qualified electricians we are here to help. 

How to stay safe when your electrics have gone off

In order to stay safe when your electrics have gone off S J Supplies would ask you to remember or take note of the following: -

  1. Turn off all electrical appliances that aren’t to be left unattended
  2. Keep a torch on your person that is wind-up, or battery operated (with spares)
  3. Check on elderly or vulnerable house members
  4. Avoid using your gas boiler or oven as they may not function correctly without electricity
  5. Keep the doors to your fridges and freezers closed to maintain their cold temperature for as long as possible
  6. Locate a basic emergency kit within your Bexley home comprising of non-perishable food, a solar battery pack, essential medication and a battery powered radio etc.
  7. Store our telephone number somewhere that’s easy to find and not just on your mobile phone in case it is out of charge!

S J Supplies - Fault finding electrician Bexley

Upon arrival to your Bexley home when you open the door and ask us “Why have my electrics gone off?” we’ll be sure to get to work! Of course a cuppa will always be gratefully received whilst we assess the situation. We’ll examine your consumer unit, check for any obvious issues and set to testing the individual circuits. It may also be necessary for S J Supplies to use diagnostic equipment in order to identify the fault accurately. Dependant upon the nature of the fault it may require us to fix the faulty wiring, replace damaged outlets, tighten any loose connections or repair an appliance but whatever remedial action is needed we’ll do so with safety at the forefront!

So next time you are wondering “Why have my electrics gone off?” remember this name S J Supplies and you can call us on 01322 842992.